AVATAR Party Tricks: Invitations That Look Like AVATAR Tickets
AVATAR invitation tickets are a great way to spread the word about any AVATAR-related party you plan on throwing for any of the special releases that will be occurring throughout 2010 and beyond. Or for that matter, anytime you want to have a viewing party, perhaps after you buy the 3D television you’ve been contemplating. In this article, we’ll show you exactly how to do that using the templates that are available on the Web.
Guest post by Dan McGoldrick
AVATAR invitation tickets look like enlarged versions of movie tickets, only they contain the when and where details of the party you are throwing. These invitations are ideal if you’re throwing an AVATAR DVD home-viewing party, especially if you’re the first one of your friends to spring for a new 3D television. You would be sure to draw a crowd when the AVATAR DVD is released in 3D, and what better way to announce the party by sending out AVATAR invitation tickets. The hugely successful, and immensely popular movie, has sparked a rather dedicated following of people that may seek to throw a party with an AVATAR theme for any occasion though. If they don’t bring a ticket (that you took the time to make yourself) send them home, or at least out for more chips.
Since the movie has sparked a useful dialogue and awareness of environmental concerns and issues throughout the world, viewing and DVD-release parties can keep the protection of our own delicate ecosystems in the forefront of consciousness. Environmental groups might want to organize a charity event around it. The fact that art has imitated life, on some levels, in this truly unique cinematic experience, has helped to generate empathy and a call to action that is worth celebrating.
There are a few ways to make your invitations in the form of big AVATAR tickets to announce the details to your friends and family. If you do it yourself, all you will need is your computer connected to the internet, a printer, and some cardstock (Pandora blue is apropos), that you can pick up at any printing shop, Office Depot, or Staples. Of course, in the spirit of the movie, you’ll want to use recyclable card stock to print your AVATAR invitation tickets on, as well as recyclable envelopes.
Here’s Where and How to Make your own Invitations that Look like AVATAR Tickets
· An easy way to do this would be to use templates that are already in the form of ticket invitations, available at Microsoft Office Online.
· Once at the above link, peruse the ticket template options for use in the DTP software of Microsoft Publisher or Microsoft Word.
· Download one that you like into the program specified on the template.
· Manipulate the color schemes to match that of AVATAR. You can find examples all over the web, including the links below, which have printable, ready-made AVATAR tickets already designed.
· The font used for all things AVATAR is called “Papyrus,” so that is what you should set the text to which will announce all the details of the party in. This makes the ticket look authentic.
· Find some AVATAR clipart to upload onto your ticket template, if you’d like, and you’re ready to print once you proof all the details.
· Use some blue color stock and print the tickets according to the size instructions for the template you chose.
For those of you that know printing ready-made tickets (already designed by professional graphic artists) at home is still technically a do it yourself project, the following methods are for you. The first source for printable tickets is at Print My Party, and I think this is your easiest method. Once you’re on their website, you choose the color scheme, graphics, and fonts to your desired specifications. Then just type in the details for your specific event. The next day, they send you the finished project to your email address so you can proof it. Any revisions are free, and then you just print as many as you need. If you'd rather not use snail mail, they give you the option here to simply send your personalized AVATAR invitation to all your guests, via email.
Next, there are freelance graphic designers that do this project here on eBay, for a price. If you want to go that route, you submit your bid and then give all the details of your party and they customize them. They email you the proof and if you approve, print out as many of the personalized AVATAR invitation tickets as you need. There are a number of different ticket styles to choose from, and the level of detail is impressive. So there you have the means to make party invitations that look like AVATAR tickets, sure to be a big hit for any home-viewing or release party.
Sponsored by Panasonic VIERA. Return to the world of AVATAR in stunning full HD with the Panasonic VIERA HD TVDid you keep you AVATAR theater tickets? What do you plan do with them?